We are a 360 solution to find, hire, onboard, pay, and retain top overseas talent for your company.
We offer lower-cost, highly skilled and motivated candidates.
We prescreen candidates so you don't spend more time screeing.Typically you can hire in under 21 days.
Get matched with candidates who have been screend on culture fit and can integrate into your team.
All of the sourcing, interviewing and vetting process is done for you. All candiates are screened for English language abilities.
Use our hands on on headhunting service to find top candidates regardless of experience level quicker and cheaper.
We delve into your hiring goals, whether it's building a remote team, high-volume hiring, executive search, etc. Together, we outline role requirements, discuss talent markets, and compensation ranges.
We begin our talent search for your specific role from our community and from outside our network. We'll interview and screen until we find 3 candidates that are well suited for your job.
Within just 5 days, receive profiles of handpicked candidates. Conduct interviews to find the best fit. Given our pool of high-quality candidates, your toughest decision will be choosing who to hire.
Upon successful placement of a great candidate, you pay a one-time fee that's 25% of the assumed first year's salary of the candidate. (We offer a 90 day guarantee)
All CareerBuddy candidates are vetted for history of high performance, outstanding work ethic, good English skills and proven work experience in their field. We select the top 1% of thousands of candidates who apply to our platform
CareerBuddy invests in attracting high-caliber individuals to our platform through our various media channels and communities
Candidates are required to complete a test to verify their expertise. The tests vary in length and complexity depending on role and seniority.
If an applicant is shortlisted, they are requested to share a short video recording of their relevant work experience to assess communication skills and English proficiency.
A scheduled interview focuses on assessing hard skills, history of consistent performance and seeing a cultural fit to ensure the candidate aligns with CareerBuddy and client expectations.
We use AI and human effort to identify and match candidates with the right opportunities on our platform with clients.
Start building your dream team today, Sign up now and discover how CareerBuddy can help you hire the best talent for your company
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Our excellent customer support team is ready to help.